Why is it that one hurts them the most, whom they love the most? And the ones who hurt one the most are again the ones who love one the most?
Strange life is, and stranger it becomes,
When strangers turn important ones.
Hard is the fall, whose rise never was,
Simple is the death, whose life never was.
Pain has its way all through the life,
Leaving only strife, strife and yet more strife.
A despised existence is the only way to be,
When with open eyes you just can't see.
Pretensions die hard, just as they should,
Hate wins the race by miles, as if love just stood.
Numbed are the senses to the obvious,
Attuned one is, to the oblivious.
Failure is the success in its true being,
Or is it just in the matter of viewing.
End it is, of a phase that once was,
Killed it has, a perspective that once was.
The End is a beginning of a dawn,
A dawn, not marked by shine, but gloomy darkness on, on and on!